The project comprise the development of a tourism-centered Vision and Illustrative Master plan for ‘Spring’, a new city in the mountainous South-Western region of Saudi Arabia, to stimulate the tourism sector in the area. The new city is expected to cover a total site area of 5,160 Ha. The vision for Spring is to create a destination steeped in the natural beauty of the landscape. The high altitude and rugged landscape creating a unique environment for this development, taking full advantage of majestic views across the region as well as the region’s rich historical and cultural assets. Xavier Cartron had the privilege to be part of this prestigious project’s development where the Agency was Seleced to be one of the Architectural Firms to design one parcel with a plot area exceeding 130Ha out of 440Ha development. Pilot Project Programme is shared between 3 character areas under the Agency scope: 1No. Hotel 4 Stars (374 Keys), Serviced Apt. 4 Stars (187 Keys), Serviced Chalets (200 Keys), Apartments (224 Keys), Townhouses 1 (77 Keys), Villas (66 Keys), Retail (30,000sqm), 1No. Hotel 5 Star 350 Keys), Souk with cultural amenities, Heritage Village. The brief is to establish the identity to any given character area / precinct through designing and visualising the conceptual architecture to the appointed character area. The Style adpoted is Asir Style.
Eagle Hills
2017 - 2018
New City Development
200 ha

Xavier Cartron Agency disposes of a modern and comprehensive its infrastructure for developing studies using AUTO-CAD software. The concept design images are developed in 3D. However, Xavier Cartron still gives a great importance for a tangible approach in finding the sensitivity and the essence of the project expressed on paper by the designer’s hand.
Some clients favour traditional design approach in their project, Consequently, Xavier Cartron offer them the opportunity of discovering the charm and sensitivity of hand-drawn perspectives, water colour elevations, redrawn and shaded motives. These projects are afterwards expressed in digital images in line with the actual modern communication techniques.
It is quite usual for our Agency to manage major large size projects in many different parts of the world. As a result, all teams are used to dealing with different international standards and norms.
Visitez notre site internet : www.xaviercartron-paris.fr